We’re Going to Call Mexico Home for A Bit

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Today we are putting down money for an apartment in Playa del Carmen, Mexico for a month. We’ve never stayed in one apartment for a month during our travels. This is very exciting!

So what’s the story behind this decision?

I think we can safely boil it down to two main reasons.

The first is we’ve probably hit some travel fatigue, something we did consider when we set off. We’ve been on the road for close to 5 months now (where did time go?!) and the longest we’ve stayed in a place was at Cusco but it was always us extending every few days and over 2 different apartments so it’s a different mindset.

Related: The Shocking Realization About Time in our Mini Retirement

The second, and much more exciting, is that Mr.C and I need some time to work on some hot ideas. That’s right, we have some entrepreneurial projects that is just simmering in our minds and it is time to take action. We’ve always been entrepreneurial, together we have launched and made some decent money out of 3 businesses. If not for the money, it’s always fun to dabble in the creation of something that others find value in.

What on Earth is Travel Fatigue? Are You For Real?

That’s a lot of traveling! Map courtesy of travellerspoint.

Yes, we are. We left Singapore on September 4, 2019. 23 cities. 9 countries. Over 46,600 km traveled in just about 5 months. That, my friends, is what travel fatigue is. I know it’s hard to feel any sympathy for us! Haha! It is what it is though, we’re looking to settle down for a bit and not have to pack up every few days.

What are These Hot Ideas?

I wish we could tell you but it’s still in the making. Being on the road has let us dig deeper into our creative sides and we’ve been having a real ball with it. Check out our videos:

A Brief History of Qorikancha, Temple of Sun in Cusco
How to Achieve Financial Independence
How to Build Your Wealth

We do have other ideas though. We will most certainly share more as it develops so do stay tuned! We’re just so excited to get some traction now!

Related: What We Have Spent Travelling for 4 Months!

So why Playa del Carmen, Mexico?

Good question. We’ve hardly seen what this place has to offer, only read about it over the last few days. However the weather is pleasant, tropical but with cool and chilly wind. The food is very delicious, as I need not convince anyone. There’s abundance of fresh produce that makes us interestingly happy, wonderful selection of fresh vegetables and fruits (signs of growing up!). We found an apartment for USD700 a month so that’s great value considering the location and it’s a two bedroom unit.

There you have it, we’re calling Playa del Carmen home for a bit! If you’re in town, do drop us a line as we always love meeting up with new folks!

Have you watched our quick videos on Financial Independence and How to Build Wealth? Click on the links and have a look. Please also like and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

To follow us on our Great Adventure mini retirement, follow our Instagram. We also share and discuss many short topics on our Twitter that sometimes don’t make it to our blog. 

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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