ABBA’s Money Meltdown?! – The Rich Really Do Get Richer

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Picture this: there I was driving home after the school run, innocently humming along to ABBA’s timeless classic, “Money, Money, Money,” when suddenly it hit me like a ton of gold bricks—the rich do, indeed, get richer! In a moment of dry humor mixed with bitter realization, I found myself reflecting on the lyrics and connecting them to real-life scenarios that highlight the unjust advantages enjoyed by the wealthy.

  1. Bankers playing favorites:
    You know the saying, “Money talks”? Well, it turns out it also has a secret handshake with the bankers. A friend of mine, who practically bathes in wealth, recently revealed that he was offered preferential rates at the bank. It’s as if his bank account had a red carpet rolled out for it, while mine gets stuck in the revolving door. Oh, the joy of being middle class and being offered “standard” rates that could make your savings account weep with envy!
  2. Credit cards fit for royalty:
    Ah, credit cards—the plastic rectangles that symbolize our purchasing power and eternal indebtedness. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the realm of credit cards has its own aristocracy. The wealthy flaunt their elite cards, adorned with gold accents and fancy names, offering perks that make my humble card blush with shame. While they jet off to luxurious vacations and sip champagne in airport lounges, I’ll be over here swiping my card for a “Buy One, Get None” deal at the local grocery store.
  3. The golden gates of education:
    In the pursuit of knowledge, we hope to unlock a brighter future. But alas, prestigious educational institutions often seem to have their gates guarded by a snooty bouncer. The rich can effortlessly waltz through, as their wallets serve as VIP passes. Meanwhile, us middle-class folks perform a dance routine called “Student Loans and Who-Do-I-Know” to gain access to the same opportunities. It’s a fascinating dance, really, complete with awkward twirls and the occasional stumble.
  4. Tax evasion, I mean tax planning, for the cleverly wealthy:
    Taxes—the ever-present reminder that even money can’t escape the government’s grasp. Well, except for the wealthy, it seems. They have a knack for discovering secret passages through the labyrinth of tax codes, while the rest of us trudge along, carefully declaring every penny we’ve earned. Offshore accounts, loopholes, and creative accounting—the rich certainly know how to transform tax season into a riveting game of hide and seek. The prize? More wealth, of course!
  5. Connections, connections, connections:
    As ABBA wisely sang, “All the things I could do if I had a little money.” But what they left out was the part about needing connections to make those things happen. The wealthy possess a file filled with influential contacts, opening doors to business deals and opportunities that seem galaxies away for us regular folks. It’s like trying to find the key to success in a haystack, while the wealthy have a butler handing it to them on a silver platter.

Do I sound bitter? Not the intention, although granted that the inequality of it all can cause a cocktail of emotions with some bitterness. Oh, the absurdity and truth encapsulated in ABBA’s “Money, Money, Money”! Amidst the laughter, it’s crucial to recognize the reality at hand: there are unjust advantages enjoyed by the rich, and there always will be. I don’t foresee a truly equal future in the way of wealth and privilege, but I sure hope for a future where people are kinder and more empathetic in knowing that not everyone has the same starting point and opportunities along the way.

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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