The Power of Perspective: Shaping Our Views and Changing Our World

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Imagine a 5-year-old child running around with boundless energy, accompanied by their parent on an ordinary outing. The child jumps around, shakes his whole body, his flip-flops fly around occasionally, touches everything in sight, and is laughing loudly.

One could perceive the child’s behavior as pestering and out of control. The child’s actions may seem disruptive and bothersome. The loudness, constant movement, and touching of objects might be interpreted as a lack of discipline or disregard for social norms. This was my view of my own child, recently, when we went away to KL for a brief holiday. Coco#2 was out of hand at the hotel lobby!!!

From another perspective, this child embodies the essence of life’s joy and curiosity. They see the world as their personal playground, a canvas for exploration and adventure. Even mundane experiences like riding an elevator become thrilling opportunities to discover something new. In their eyes, loudness is exuberance, touching everything is using their senses, and running around signifies an eagerness to move from one exciting thing to another. I forced myself to consider this viewpoint later on, once I had a moment to breathe! Boy, did I feel my body loosen up.

This got me thinking, this illustrates how life is all about perspective. Our interpretations and reactions to events are deeply influenced by the lens through which we choose to see the world. Our perspectives are shaped by a combination of our past experiences and our subconscious choices. The way we view the world determines how we engage with it, impacting our relationships, our daily lives, and our overall well-being.

Both perspectives hold some truth, but they stem from the viewer’s own mindset and past experiences. The first perspective embodies a sense of openness, wonder, and acceptance, recognizing the child’s behavior as a celebration of life’s possibilities. On the other hand, the second perspective reflects a mindset rooted in rules, expectations, and conformity, perceiving the child’s actions as disruptive and out of line.

Thankfully, we have the power to consciously shape our perspective and change the way we view the world. By recognizing that our view is a culmination of our past experiences and subconscious choices, we can actively challenge our preconceptions, question our assumptions, and open ourselves to new ways of seeing. We can choose empathy over judgment, patience over frustration, and curiosity over rigidity.

When we consciously choose to adopt a more open and compassionate view of the world, we transform our own lives and create a ripple effect of positivity and understanding. By reframing our perspectives, we create space for growth, connection, and personal development. Life becomes an adventure, filled with opportunities for exploration and learning.

I relaxed a whole lot more after that. I didn’t want to restrict Coco#2 too much, especially since there was no one around. Life is about having fun and there’s way too much seriousness all around us and within ourselves! I drew the line at flying flip-flops though.

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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