Culinary Chronicles, SippingCoconuts’ Style (check out the TikTok video!)

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So, you know us – the crew that’s all about good food and good spending habits!! We’ve shared our love for home-cooked meals and the joy of creating memorable moments in the kitchen and over a meal.

The last post was just on what’s been happening in the last few months (link here – Our Second Half of 2023: A Journey Through Ups, Downs, and Exciting Plans) without our kitchen shenanigans, always deserving of a post on it’s own based on our priorities!

From left to right, here goes some of the highlights the past few months have seen on the dining table:

  1. Signature Birthday Breakfast Special: Every child in the SC household gets a fun birthday breakfast. I’ve always done it for the kids and this year, Coco#2 actually woke up and was a tad disappointed there was none of the table! He was looking forward to it and that made me so happy, because it is EXACTLY what I wanted – a tradition the children will remember! Fear not, I was just a tad bit late on getting started and we didn’t disappoint! Our little champion turned 6 and he was REALLY HAPPY with his breakfast!
  2. Tasty Tuna Sandwich: For those hectic weekdays, we found solace in simplicity. A tasty tuna sandwich – a quick fix that never disappoints. It’s proof that delicious doesn’t always have to mean complicated.
  3. Mum’s Malaysian Magic: Mum has been here for the past few weeks and goodness, gracious me – have we been spoilt! She most definitely brought her A-game with an Indian Spiced Fish accompanied by Vegetable Masak Lemak – a coconut-based curry, Malaysian style. Nothing quite like it! That’s just one of her many culinary delights, it’s such a treat!
  4. Gorgeous Salad Extravaganza: A feast for the eyes and the palate – a gorgeous salad featuring pomegranate, Provolone cheese shavings, and fresh apples. Every bite was a refreshing indulgence. We had this along with #6 below!
  5. Cheese Lover’s Dream: From simple spinach and Provolone quesadillas to a savory, smoky Portobello mushroom wrap, our cheese obsession knows no bounds. Add sautéed mushrooms, caramelized onions, and a flavorful roasted tomato and capsicum salsa – pure perfection! Stuff that cost a bomb outside, made easily at home and much to everyone’s approvals and thumbs-up (as the kids are to busy eating to give a verbal cue!).
  6. Roasted Chicken Magic: Our secret weapon for what the kids consider an indulgent night – roasted chicken with Ms. K’s mysterious yet mouthwatering sauce. Honey, mustard, paprika, and who knows what else she gets her hands on? It’s always a winner and oh-so-easy to make.
  7. Briyani Bliss: Chicken Briyani – need we say more? This dish is a flavor explosion that speaks for itself.
  8. Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding: A guilt-free delight that’s become a weekly winner with the kids and adults alike! Chocolate chia seed pudding topped with whatever fruit we have at home – and voila! Magic!
  9. Mr. C’s Apple Pie Extravaganza: Saving the best for last – Mr. C’s world-famous Apple Pie. Made from scratch with a recipe passed down from his mumma, it’s a perennial favorite with the kids and a slice of home in every bite.

But the biggest culinary delight this year? June’s School Holiday family activity with Coco#1. We thought it would be fun to teach the lil’ guy what goes behind a self-proclaimed 5 Star Meal, from menu planning, the shopping to the food and table prep. Needless to say, we weighed in heavily on most of it and it was long day! There were countless moments that got me wondering, why did I think this was a good idea again? The outcome though, brilliant! We saw where he shines in the way he displayed the food, did the table setting and even the way he folded the napkins etc. He is truly an artistic boy.

Enjoy the TikTok video!


School Holiday Fun, Masterchef Junior Dev had his first tsdte of planning and prepping a #finedining meal at home. #hainanesechickenrice #SippingCoconuts #schoolholidays

♬ Yummy – IFA

So, here’s to the culinary escapades of 2023 – a year filled with flavour, family, and a fair share of kitchen chaos. Because in our world, good food isn’t just a necessity; it’s a celebration waiting to happen. Keep those taste buds tingling!

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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