On Chance Encounters and Perspective

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* Feature image shows Coco#1 in his element on the beach with the beautiful boat this family owns anchored in the background (right).

I write with such a heavy heart. 3 weeks ago, I saw that someone we met during our travels last year and struck a conversation with for over an hour, had just experienced the worst. We met the father and son duo who had just canoed from their boat (in the background of the feature picture) to the beach that we were hanging out on. It was a beautiful day at Playa Mann, Galapagos and we were absolutely getting burnt in the hot afternoon sun but we kept chatting. 

The conversation was easy and fun. The 13 year old boy immediately caught our attention on how much more mature he was than his age, in terms of mannerisms and his knowledge on sailing. He seemed interested in how we’ve been travelling with a hint of disappointment that we’ve been flying from destination to destination (I sensed the environmentalist in him). When we walked after, we wished we had more encounters with them and people like them, very down to earth with a zest for life and adventure and willing to do what few embark on. It is truly the best part of travelling, the people that you do meet. 

They stayed in our memories, often coming up in stories when we talk about our 7 months of travelling. We were connected on social media so it was fun to see what they were up to with their sailing adventure. Sadly, young Eddie was struck by a boat going too fast whilst he was in the water snorkelling and left this world too soon. Such a bright and lovely boy with amazing musical talent (we’ve since come to learn) taken from this world. 

Mr.C and I were so deeply saddened by the news of Eddie’s sudden passing. How quickly a typical and normal day can take a turn for the worst. How quickly a moment of fun can change. We saw the news on Eddie a day after we spent 7 hours in the Emergency ward as young Coco#2 needed 4 stitches in his mouth from a playful jump off the sofa gone wrong. Even that moment had me thinking how thankful I was that it was nothing more serious.

We reflected that in this dark moment for the family, they had the past 18 months together every single day and doing something they all truly loved.  A freak accident is a freak accident. It could happen to anyone and anywhere. There would be a thousand different things that could have been done differently and would have resulted in a different outcome, but somehow it didn’t and as senseless as it is, it is a freak accident that did happen. 

It did make us think about our lives now and for the millionth time, it came up again – are we spending life the way we want to? What if a tragic accident struck us, what would we have wanted to do differently? To take a more positive spin on the moment of reflection, we also reflected how the chance encounter on Playa Mann, Galapagos made an impact on us, before and after the tragedy struck. 

It was a little out of character for Mr.C to strike up a conversation with a stranger (that’s more Ms.K’s mad ways in life). In the past few years, we’ve tried to do this a little more and we’ve been pleasantly surprised at where that road takes up and the friendships forged. For if our paths would not have crossed on that day at the beach, then we would not have known the fate of the young man. We would not be so deeply impacted and would not have taken this moment in time to reflect and dedicate to a young man who made an impact in his own way. You would not have read this post and some of you might not have then gone on to inspect your lives and think about little changes you might want to make. 

Written in memory of a remarkable young man and a family that inspires us. Our thoughts are with you.

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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One Reply to “On Chance Encounters and Perspective”

  1. A really sobering story. And I’m so sorry for your loss. Also, I’m glad your son’s okay after that mishap!

    I often tell people – we always think tomorrow always comes. It doesn’t always, unfortunately. Over the years I’ve lost so many colleagues and friends to illnesses that the thought is now ingrained in me. We need to be thankful always for every day.

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