Sailing Dreams: Retire on a Cruise Ship?

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Ahoy, fellow dreamers!

So one day I was heading back to office from lunch and happened to see some cruise ships berthed at a terminal and some gears started turning in my head (faster than a ship’s propeller!!!). I bet some of you may have daydreamed about quitting your job ,buying a bed & breakfast to run as a retirement gig to earn money and meet people. I sure have!

Then a brilliant thought hit me! Picture this: buying a cruise ship, keeping the best suite for yourself (ok, if I’m offered a crazy price for it, fine, I’ll move down for a few nights), and setting sail to explore the wonders of the world—all while covering your costs. Sounds like a fantasy, right? 🙂

Well, let’s drill down this thrilling concept.

Turning Dreams Into Reality

I would guess the first step is to snag ourselves a decommissioned or soon-to-be cruise ship. Consider it as a long-term venture that combines business with wanderlust ;)🚢

Once you’ve acquired your floating paradise, it’s time to transform it.

Opulent presidential suite for yours truly? CHECK!

Setting an itinerary that YOU want? CHECK!

Stocking the kitchen (sambal belacan, bak kwa, champagne) and employing chefs (who’s that Michelin star hawker again?) to cook food that YOU love? TOTALLY CHECK!

The beauty of this venture lies in its mobility. Unlike a traditional B&B, you’re not confined to a single location. Each week, set sail to a new destination, allowing your “paying prisoners” (strike that) ahem…. GUESTS… to wake up to a different breathtaking view every day. From the Caribbean’s turquoise waters to the fjords of Norway, the possibilities are endless.

Naturally, like any entrepreneurial endeavor, running a floating B&B requires meticulous planning…I guess. Market your venture through social media, travel blogs, and partnerships with travel agencies. Establish an efficient booking system, manage guest experiences, and ensure the safety and compliance of your operation.

Sounds like a lot of work. But it’s a cruise ship with like 800 rooms! You can employ a GM. Scale FTW!

I’d say this is definitely a lifestyle I desire. Embrace the freedom of the seas, the joy of meeting new people (or throwing the not nice ones overboard… “Walk the plank you scoundrel!!!”), and the satisfaction of turning your dreams into a reality. It’s a life less ordinary, filled with adventure, cultural enrichment, and the serenity of the ocean.

What’s stopping me you may ask? I answer with a question….
“Can I borrow $100 million please?” 

Author: Mr.C

Mr.C – our resident investment expert and the muscle behind this entire movement for Sipping Coconuts. When his nose is not buried in anything financial, he’s either sailing or cooking or with the kids and always with a beer or a coconut nearby!
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