Kill ’em with Kindness

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It was a hot and windy day and the family of four, two adults and two young kids, bundled into the cafe with their backpack and stroller. The infant was cranky and both boys were behaving as though they had eaten for a week. Juggling the cantankerous kids and reading the menu was an Olympic feat that was failing in glorious splendour. Oh yes, it was that kind of familiar sight of a family that gets everyone’s attention when they walk in.

The owners very quickly sprung into action, he was very personable and daftly navigated the stroller and kids as he got the table ready and brought the co-owner / chef to explain what’s on the menu as well as the special for the day. She was bubbly and full of passion for food, it showed instantly. The family would have bought anything she sold!

As she prepared the food, she snuck out some bread and hot soup for the kids with a kind smile. He brought out his recommended Vinho Verde for the adults, a crisp ice cold fruity wine that was exactly what the doctor ordered to calm their nerves and bring down the temperature from the outdoor heat. As the kids settled and the adults relaxed, the scents from the kitchen wafted out and right into their noses (quite like a cartoon!). This was sufficient to make the adults understand what the kids felt like a mere 10 minutes ago, absolutely starved!

2 adult plates and 2 kiddie servings later, the family asked for yet another adult serving. The true compliment to a chef! At the end of the meal, the family had made plans to return for dinner the next night as they chef was going to source fresh seafood and make a feast for them. A deal was made, the next night was going to be phenomenal.

Sandra told us this is a typical lunch meal in Portugal, it’s a thin beef stew. It was so tasty!

The family gathered their belongings and pulled out their credit card to make payment. Oh No! Only cash. The adults exchanged a look, they knew they didn’t have enough cash on hand to pay. They dug out every single cent and true enough, not enough. All through this embarrassing 10 minutes, the owner was brushing it off and insisting that the family can pay in the evening if they walk past or even the next day.

The family insisted they would return in 20 minutes with the money from their home but the owners insisted otherwise. The family lost. They walked out with an experience that did not just fill their stomachs, it also filled their hearts. 

Miguel and Sandra, the warmest couple and cafe owners we’ve met!

Let me present to you Miguel and Sandra from Sabores at R. Jorge Dias 148, 4400-484 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. They are the warmest couple and the friendliest cafe owners we’ve ever met. Their smile almost envelopes you into an embrace every time you come and leave. We spent 10 nights in Canidelo (right beside Porto) and of which, we ate here at least on 5 days. They were our friendly neighbourhood cafe, they served amazing food and we knew them and the other patrons. The food was so reasonably priced and Sandra was always full of surprises for the kids. Prepare to be hungry, dear readers.

Our special dish that took over 2 hours to prepare – Sapateira Recheada. The stuffing is made with crab meat, mayonnaise, chopped onions or shallots, mustard, boiled egg, and paprika and eaten with toasted bread. So amazing!
Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato – Clams, garlic and white wine. She said she couldn’t help herself and surprised us with this dish. She’s just so lovely!
The most delicious oven baked Argentinian prawns fresh from the market. So full of flavour!

Of course, in Porto, we have to try a classic dish called Francesinha which translates to “little french girl”. A tasty meal no doubt and one that is perfect to be consumed daily if you aspire to have a heart attack quickly! It has ham, cheese, bacon and covered with tomato and beer sauce! Who came up with this? Not the French, according to the a French couple we spoke to, who quite passionately said nothing about this dish is French at all! Loosely, the story is that a Frenchman who came over to Porto had guests over to his house late one night and had very little food to serve to he quickly whipped this dish up with whatever he had in his kitchen. The rest, as they say, is history.

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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