Not Your Typical New Year’s Resolution: A Wake-Up Call That Could Save You Thousands!

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As the year comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the unexpected twists life can throw at us. For me, 2023 was supposed to be a year of joy and new beginnings. Little did I know that a seemingly harmless badminton game would turn into a medical extravaganza, leaving me with a torn ACL, a torn meniscus, and a hefty medical bill of $45,000 and counting. Say what???!!!!

Six months post-partum, feeling like I could take on the world, I decided a little badminton extravaganza was in order. Little did I know, my knee had different plans—plans that involved surgery, physiotherapy, and a bill that took my breath away. This is not your typical end-of-year reflection, but trust me, you’ll thank me for it.

Thank goodness for insurance, right? Yet again, in my case. Long time readers would remember my previous medical extravaganza —> Ms.K’s $20k Medical Extravaganza. Goodness, even with coverage, the numbers are enough to make you break into a cold sweat. The gratitude for that insurance policy, though, is immeasurable. A silver lining in a knee-shaped cloud, if you will.

Lessons learned? A few:

  1. Insurance is a Lifesaver: This isn’t your run-of-the-mill advice. Insurance is the unsung hero that can turn a financial disaster into a manageable setback. Don’t underestimate its power until you’re the one with a torn ACL and a hefty bill.
  2. Muscles Need Love Too: Sure, cardio is great, but so is a little love for those key muscles. My knee might disagree, but a balanced approach to fitness could have saved me from my little misadventure here. Ms.K will never skip leg days from now!
  3. Humor, the Best Medicine: Life’s unexpected turns are a lot easier to navigate with a sense of humor. My knee might sound like an old creaky door, but at least it has character. Embrace the quirks, and life becomes a lot more entertaining.
  4. Mental Health Matters: Beyond the physical toll, rehab and immobility take a toll on the mind. Insurance helps with the bills, but don’t forget to invest in your mental well-being. It helps to have an army of positive folks around you, in my case solid support from family and friends who swung by to pick me up for breakfast dates. This was crucial to my journey, and fills me with gratitude and that, fills up that mental health cup everyday!
  5. The Art of Slowing Down: As I reflect on my whirlwind journey through surgeries and physiotherapy, there’s a lesson in the importance of slowing down when prescribed rest. We often underestimate the value of allowing our bodies the time it needs to heal. Embrace the prescribed leave, and let the healing process unfold at its own pace. Don’t be in a rush to get right back into the swing of things. Go slow, and it might go a longer way!

So, as you plan your New Year’s resolutions, consider adding a not-so-typical one to the list: check and upgrade your insurance coverage before the calendar flips. Your future self might just thank you for it. Here’s to a healthier, wealthier, and less eventful new year on the medical front! Happy 2024!!

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!
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