The Market is Down and So Are We!

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It’s everywhere, isn’t it. Mr.Market is down and the much-talked about bear is coming into sight. Deep down, we know that’s good. Time to tighten the belt further and save more money to deploy on cheap and good stocks. Right?? Right.

Waddup folks!

In the longer term, this should have been fine. We were banking on the market being happy and healthy to realize our very short term plans. We started off on a very aggressive timeline to reach FI to begin with. Then we decided to go on a “mini retirement” trip if the numbers work to our favour and if Mr.C gets a sabbatical (1 way ticket bought!). With Mr.Market being a bit of a meanie at this point, we can’t help but feel down. While our logical mind know this is normal and in the long run we will be perfectly fine, who does not want to reach FI sooner? Turns out, we’re humans too!

Can I Just Switch Off ?

The past few days have been particularly bad. All forms of weighty and definitely extreme thoughts swirling about :

  1. The 6 month trip is off! There’s no way we are at a comfortable stage to quit altogether if a sabbatical is not granted.
  2. Let’s face it, Mr.C is not getting a long sabbatical. His company is very ‘by the books’, if anything the past has shown us.
  3. We’re never going to be able to go on a long trip with the boys ever again when the school term sets in!
  4. Ms.K should get back to work, she’s currently “wasted income earning potential” (I coined that myself, I can be very harsh on myself!).
  5. I’ve re-looked our finances and admonishing our decision to live in our gorgeous new home. This condo is definitely a money sucker. Mr.C was quick to point out that it’s an investment that we are paying for, so other than the capital repayments, our actual cost is to the tune of $1,000 a month. Still think this is obscene and we need to restructure, restructure, restructure.
  6. I’m afraid to think how far back this apparent downturn is pushing our plans. Petrified. Terrified.

* No decisions have been made, we’re just letting things play out for a bit while we gather our emotions which are splattered all over our gorgeous but expensive flooring. (I have a penchant for the dramatic)
The Basics of What Makes a Person Happy

This is something I talk about a lot in coaching my clients and is applicable to all of us. Happiness comes from within and we need to have some deep introspection to know ourselves to know what makes us happy. The plan to FI is a plan that is solid (hopefully!) but can move according to the market, so it’s all a matter of timing. Everyone on the FI journey knows this!

When times as this set in and you see your investments go down tremendously in value, know that as long as your investments are good picks, they will be safe in the long run. The long run is the name of the game here. Sit tight and find ways back into the basics of what makes you happy.

A timeless advice is to always know what instantly gets you out of the rut. I find immense joy in:

  • Exercising and feeling good about my physical self
  • Cooking up delicious meals that my family and I thoroughly enjoy
  • Watching our little urban garden thrive
  • Walks / cycles in the park – being close to nature
  • Music – All Out 80s on Spotify has been my go-to playlist

Knowing this makes it easy for me to “do the task and let the emotions come to me” for when I am down and glum, I have no inspiration to do any of the above. I just want to curl in a corner and mope. However I know, from having this list made when I am on top of my game, that doing any of the above will lift my spirits. So do the task and let the emotions overcome you. Breathe it in. Happiness is free.
Aren’t You Just Avoiding the Issue?

Well we are avoiding the conversations around this, that is true. Having said that, with our spirits low we are unlikely to have great discussions on how to turn this around in the short term. So it’s fine to put this on hold and get back to the basics without thinking of and worrying about FI. FI will sort itself in due time, maybe later than we want, but it will sort itself out. Finding happiness in trying times is never an effort that is wasted.

In the past 2 weeks, we’ve had a birthday party that I went Master Baker on. We’ve had relatives over. I’ve invited friends over on multiple days which saw me baking away to feed my soul and their tummies. I ventured out of my usual cooking repertoire and tried new dishes (Assam Fish and Butter Chicken) which were well received by the 4 year old (the ultimate judge?!). I put the 1 year old in the bicycle seat and guided the 4 year old on his bicycle all the way to the park for an evening cycle without Mr.C. We had a fun day out at ArtScience Museum and had Mr.C join us for a delish meal during his lunch hour.

Get back to the basics of what makes you happy while Mr.Market sorts itself. FI will happen, it’s just a matter of time.

Wise words, have trust!

Author: Ms.K

Ms.K is everything that Mr.C is, without the natural interest in investing and company financials! The activity planner for the family, the driver of random ideas and soon to be ‘retiring’ in to full time motherhood – Ms.K has no idea what she’s in for but remains super excited!

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